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To be completed - The Power of Touch - Biodynamic 


Bio: of life, living

Dynamic:  always changing, moving

Massage: movement of tissue through touch


Massage is well known for increasing relaxation, easing stress and enhancing well being. It can help with recuperation and restoration after trauma, long term stress and illness.


Biodynamic massage in particular works with the connections that link the way we think and feel with our physical body. It can help us reconnect with our physical self, increasing our understanding of how we work as a whole. 


Our bodies, emotions and thoughts are intimately intertwined. Over time they are both shaped by the stories of our lives.  We hold our journey in our tissues, and express it in our postures, aches, pains, stresses and anxieties as well as our flexibility, fitness and health.


Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio (1994. 224) states:


'It is the entire organism rather than the body alone or the brain alone that interacts with the environment...When we see, or hear, or touch or taste or smell, body proper and brain participate in the interaction with the environment'


Therapeutic touch can help in many ways and on several different levels.


On a physical level  touch is the first and most constant experience of our senses. Its importance during infancy and childhood is well documented, and it remains relevant throughout our whole lives.

Therapeutic touch works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This the mechanism by which our body rests, restores and relaxes. This state supports our whole body, reducing heart rate, blood pressure and boosting our immune system. 


t is recommended by NICE for the treatment of lower back pain, alongside an exercise regime.


On a psychological level massage promotes our feeling of wellbeing and relaxation. It reduces our experience of pain, anxiety and enhances our mood. It is intimately related to our feelings of safety



On a emotional level  


Biodynamic massage uses touch to help our bodies find the balance they need.  Through its interaction with both branches of the Poly Vagal system. 



Our bodies and minds are profoundly inter-related. Our emotions are anchored in the body and integral to the autonomic nervous system which is the nerve complex that controls the involuntary actions of our internal organs, blood vessels and glands. Emotional balance is mediated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The way we move or hold our bodies can inform us of our emotional states and are evoked in tandem with sensations. 

Professor Helen Payne 




Massage is well known for increasing relaxation, easing stress and enhancing well being. It can help with recuperation and restoration after trauma, long term stress and illness.


Biodynamic massage in particular works with the connections that link the way we think and feel with our physical body. It can help us reconnect with our physical self, increasing our understanding of how we work as a whole. 




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